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“Wren and Bear It" is a weekly fun-filled opinionated sports talk show that looks at the current world of sports in a unique and 'real' kinda way..."barber shop" style if you will! However, what makes it a little different is a twist called 'facts'...   Ha Ha! So, strap in, grit your teeth and get ready to Wren and Bear It!

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Wren And Bear It Nation,

I'm about to use a very famous quote from the late, great former college and NFL coach Dennis Green...
"The Bears are who we thought they were"...and that's NOT a bad thing!


This quote, when it was originally used by Coach Green was not meant to be taken in a positive light. It stemmed from a 2006 Monday Night game the Chicago Bears played against the Arizona Cardinals (in Arizona) where the Bears came back from 20 points down at halftime to win 24-23.



Coach Green was livid after the game and went off on his now famous tirade basically insinuating that the Bears (who wound up going to the Super Bowl that season) were not that good even though they had been playing good football leading up to that game and were gaining national notoriety!

Fast forward 12 years later and the current Bears sit at 3-3 at the bottom (but actually not far from the top) of the NFC Central Division where they were actually in first place for a couple of weeks before losing to both the Miami Dolphins and New England Patriots consecutively! Just before this season started the Bears did a truly un-bear like thing and traded for one of the most fierce and prolific pass rushers in the game in Khalil Mack from the Oakland Raiders!!

This move in the eyes of most made an already Top 10 Defense even better (which it did) and the Bears then started the season 3-1,with the loss to the Packers being a game they easily should have won but blew in the second half of that game! Nevertheless, many (including me) reset their expectations to a level that we probably, (now in hindsight) should not have set! The Bears have since lost two straight games to basically "come back down to earth"...however, in my opinion looking back on it now...the Bears are where they probably should be at this point in time!
Why do I say this? Because, the Bears have a new (first time) Head Coach, a second year (you might as well say rookie) QB who only played 12 games in college and a revamped offense...when you add that all up it equals...development! And we all know for something to develop requires a process which takes...time! Let's start with the Head Coach Matt Nagy, he comes from a high-powered offensive system led by the great Andy Reid in Kansas City and already has introduced schemes those of us who are long-time Bears fans haven't seen since...NEVER!


However, being a new first time coach has led to some interesting game time decisions (becoming conservative when you have a team down instead of capitalizing on a lead, settling for a 53-yard field goal to win a game when you had to time get better field position to make the kick more makeable or even going for the end-zone and not trying to establish any semblance of a running game) all of which has helped contribute to those three losses! You have a very young QB in Mitch Trubisky who is showing signs of possibly being a very good (not sure about great yet) signal caller but who has bouts of erratic play where he either overthrows or underthrows receivers! Add to that a new offensive system everyone is trying to learn and it leads to where the Bears stand right now...3-3!


 It doesn't mean though that their 3-1 record was a mirage or smoke and mirrors, it simply means their still developing as a team and these games they are losing now (all have been close) they may actually win a year from now...but it takes time, which simply means...the Bears aren't ready yet! To quote another legendary former coach in Bill Parcells..."you are what your record says you are"! The Bears are actually (in my opinion) in a good place...unlike the last few years in particular, the Bears actually have a chance to win each game they play no matter the opponent, and when's the last time we Bears fans could say that? The are definitely improved in all areas of their game (with more improving to do...particularly in the defensive secondary and special teams) but they are still a 'work in progress'! It's akin to building a house, nothing starts before the foundation, that is in what you build upon! Their foundation (with Ryan Pace at GM) is set, the walls are coming up, the windows are being placed, but their floor and ceilings aren't there yet! A lot of this is our fault as Bears fans for expecting (especially after the Mack trade) more than the Bears were ready to give us!
But "this house" looks like it will eventually be built and one in which it appears will be very durable, but like waiting for a house to be built, you have to be patient! Things will come up that may delay the process and push back to finish date but you keep doing what needs to be done to overcome those delays and get the house completed as close to schedule as possible and as long as you do that it's only matter of time before 'move in date' when you put in your final pieces (furniture, dishes, pictures, etc...)! Or in the case of the Bears, draft picks, trades, free agent pick ups, etc...
Yes, "the Bears are who we thought they were"...but that's NOT a bad thing! The good thing is...they are definitely NOT who they used to be! 

​“NFL ratings are up...why?”

(12/08/2018) The NFL is experiencing one of it's most exciting seasons of all time with ratings higher than they've been in a long time...why is that?


Several reasons...

  • Scoring is up with the advent of the new rules designed to increase offensive scoring

  • Young talented QB's like Patrick Mahomes, Jared Goff, Mitch Trubisky, DeShaun Watson are fun to watch

  • More parity has made almost every matchup winnable for either team is definitely an "Any Given Sunday" league

  • Legalized that the SCOTUS has allowed for sports betting people want to 'watch' where their money is going

  • Better product with new rules designed to limit injuries to 'key' players (the QB's) making for a better game

  • Fans still like the 'old-school' QB's like Drew Brees, Tom Brady, Phillip Rivers, Aaron Rodgers, etc... who are still relevant

  • Sunday afternoons are still the place to be...regional match ups still score huge ratings

  • The ratings were never that bad to begin with...with the advent of streaming services 'all' television numbers in general were down 

  • The so-called 'kneeling' controversy was all but over last year until #45 decided to reignite and exploit it for supposed political gain

  • NFL players made their point last year when kneeling during the national anthem and the networks wisely stopped showing it


At the end of the day 'true' NFL fans (like me) aren't going anywhere, we've been watching the game too long to allow petty politics or misunderstood protests (by some) to stop us. It's easy to boycott something you didn't really watch or like that much anyway (many of the so-called 'fans' who boycotted) especially when given or being force-fed any kind of so-called 'cause' to feign 'fake' outrage. Most of these 'fans' were 'fair-weather', at best, and aren't the demographic that networks go after anyway.

You know who really drives ratings? Plain old simple NFL fans who love the game despite it's warts because we simply love the game...PERIOD!

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